Offender Search


Offender Search
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction

Victim Registration

If you are a victim of a crime and would like to register for notification regarding an Ohio inmate, please click here for more information.

Roberta's Law - SB 160

Roberta’s Law, effective March 22, 2013, expands victim notification rights. If the inmate is convicted of Aggravated Murder, Murder, a first, second or third degree offense of violence or is serving a life sentence, the victim will be automatically notified of specified events, regardless of whether the victim has requested notification. Please click here for more information.

Registered Sex Offenders

To locate Registered Sex Offenders in the State of Ohio, click here.

Parole Violators at Large

To view the current listing of Parole Violators at Large, click here.

APA Supervision
Violators at Large

(Ex: 202502 = February 2025)


This site displays data on those offenders who are currently incarcerated in an Ohio prison, currently under Department supervision, or judicially released.

You can combine searches to narrow the results, but please note that it is better to have too little search criteria than too much.

Name Search
  • Searches may be done by last name alone or by both first and last names. Searching by first and last name will narrow your results.
  • A last name search of 'Brown' will provide a list of offenders whose last name is Brown as well as those offenders whose last name begins with 'Brown, such as Browning, Browner, etc. It will also list offenders who are Brown, Jr.; Sr.; III; etc.

County of Commitment Search
  • Searches by County of Commitment produces a list of those offenders who are sentenced from the selected county.

Residential County and/or Zip Search
  • Searches by Residential County or Zip Code only searches offenders whose status is 'APA Supervision' or 'Violators at Large.'
    • 'APA Supervision' status will include those offenders under APA Supervision (e.g., parole, post release control, etc.) as well as those offenders who are Violators at Large (VAL).
    • 'Violators at Large' status will include only those offenders who have absconded APA Supervision.

Next Parole Board Hearing Date Search
  • Searches by Next Parole Board Hearing Date will produce a list of offenders currently scheduled for a Parole Board hearing on the entered Month and Year. Date must be entered as YYYYMM (Ex: 202502 = February 2025).

Offender Number
  • Searches by Number should be used if the offender number is known. A prefix, 'A', 'R', or 'W', must be used to search by offender number. 'W' is used for all female inmates. 'A' and 'R' denote male inmates, with the vast majority of male inmates using 'A' prefix.
  • Please note that all offender numbers are 6 digits, no spaces or hyphens. For example, 123-456 becomes 123456. Female offender numbers are generally 5 digits, and in those cases, a leading zero must be added to properly search by offender number. For example, 12345 becomes 012345.

APA Supervision
Violators at Large

